Dhallywood popular actress Quazi Nawshaba Ahmed currently busy with dramas and cinema. Recently she has finished working on a special drama titled ‘Shidur’. Besides her new film titled ‘Chandrabati Kotha’ of will be released on October 15.
Regarding her recent busy schedule and the release of new film, Nawshaba said, 'I worked on a special drama titled ‘Shidur’ on the occasion of Durga Puja. Besides, a new film of mine titled ‘Chandrabati Kotha’ will be released on October 15. There are several films including ‘Amanush’ that are waiting to be released. Besides, I will start shooting for the film titled ‘Network’ this month.’
Regarding the story and character of 'Chandrabati Kotha', she further said, 'The story of the film is basically in the style of Mymensingh lyricist Chandrabati and Ramayana’s Chandrabati. As it is a history based story, the producer has made the film after doing a lot of research. After watching the film, I think I saw a story around us. ‘
In every film of Nawshaba, she is breaking herself by performing in various character it is more like doing experiment on herself. After a long time, she have returned to work. From the beginning, Nawshaba was very interested in working various roles sometimes she was seen play a character of robber, sometimes a tortured woman, sometimes a romantic girl!