Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan’s son Aryan Khan and 7 others were arrested by the Narcotics Control Bureau on drug raid at a cruise party in Mumbai. As several fans began to accuse the drug probing agency of targeting the superstar, Zonal Director, Sameer Wankhede has reacted to these allegations.
Reportedly, the star kid was among the 8 arrests made by the NCB during the raid at the cruise liner Cordelia which was carrying 800-1000 passengers.
The 7 others were Arbaaz Merchant, Munmun Dhamecha, Ismeet Singh, Mohak Jaswal, Gomit Chopra, Nupur Sarika, and Vikrant Chhokar who are currently in judicial custody. They have been arrested for consumption, sale and purchase of drugs under NDPS Act 1985.
Read more: Aryan Khan detained after rave party raid
During a conversation with ETimes, NCB Zonal Director Sameer Wankhade refuted all the allegations that there is an effort to target Shah Rukh Khan. He said, “We are not targeting anyone at all. We have nothing against him. We have arrested more than 300 people in the last 10 months. Out of those, at the most, there would be about 4 to 5 known people. How can you say that we are targeting anyone? Most of those arrested in the last one year are hard-core, drug related criminals.”
Moreover, Wankhade also points out that the Narcotics Control Bureau is working towards eradicating the drug menace in the country and have arrested peddlers and suppliers all around the year. He also claimed the media coverage only escalates when some celebrity is arrested in a crime.
Sameer Wankhede further clarified that the agency is also investigating the event organiser about their activities and the frequency of such parties.
Previous report revealed that NCB acted on the arrest after getting a tip off. The agency claimed to have seized 13gm of cocaine, 21gm of charas, 22 pills of MDMA and 5gm of mephedrone and more than Rs 1.3 lakh cash during the raid. -PinkVilla