Education & Culture

Wall magazine display competition at Milestone College

Published : 31 Aug 2023 08:13 PM

Wall Magazine Display Competition-2023 has been organized by the Milestone College on Wednesday. 

Principal of the Milestone College Mohammad Ziaul Alam inaugurated the Competition as the chief guest. Senior Director (Administration) of Milestone College Md. Masud Alam, Vice-Principals, Directors, Teachers and Students were present this time. Nusrat Zaman, a brilliant student of Class IX who passed away recently, was remembered in a mournful manner during the inaugurated of the competition.

More than 200 wall Magazine written by students of class IX and XI were placed in the month-long competition. Through wall magazines written in Bangla and English, students have brought out history, ancient culture, happiness, sadness and various stories of daily life. Some of the topics on the wall Magazine were-‘We are women’, ‘we can’. Bengali heritage and culture, Bangladesh on the road to development, rising commodity prices, let's go to Mars, women's rights, the story of a dreamer, Juvenile crime etc. After the inauguration, Principal Mohammad Ziaul Alam and Senior Director (Administration) Md. Masud Alam visited the Magazine. During this time, they talked about the issues of the wall Magazine with the students.