
Use of tannery waste in animal feed

A potential threat to public health

Published : 07 Jun 2019 05:19 PM | Updated : 07 Sep 2020 07:04 PM

In a bid to save the River Buriganga from severe pollution, tanneries were relocated to Savar from Hazaribagh amidst huge public outcry and growing protests from the green campaigners. The consequences of such relocation had been ironic as the waste generated in Savar Tannery Estate has been contaminating the Dhaleshwari and polluting Savar and adjacent areas since its inception. What is more alarming is that tannery waste collected from the relocated Savar Tannery Estate is being used for producing poultry and fish-feed. Moreover, the production of poultry and fish feed from tannery waste contaminated with toxic chemicals such as chromium and cadmium is causing serious air pollution in Savar’s Bhakurta and adjacent areas. Hence, immediate steps should be taken to stop use of poisonous tannery waste in poultry feed and in this regard relevant authorities must pull down all feed firms that use toxic tannery wastes as the raw material.

Necessary steps should be taken to
compel the poultry traders to refrain from using tannery waste as
animal feed that may cause public health crisis

Experts are of the opinion that consumption of tannery waste through eating fish and poultry might lead to liver and kidney diseases. People eating such fish, chicken or eggs may be subjected to cancer or liver and kidney-related diseases. If chromium and lead remain in the chicken and fish feed, it can be transferred to people consuming these items. Poultry chicken and fish are the best resource of protein for the masses and is consumed by people of every class. But because of using tannery waste in poultry feed harmful chemicals are making way into the masses through such food and bringing about public health crisis. Therefore, necessary steps should be taken to compel the poultry traders to refrain from using tannery waste as animal feed that may cause public health crisis.