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US wants a free, fair election

CEC tells media after meeting with US team

Published : 10 Oct 2023 09:57 PM

Chief Election Commissioner Kazi Habibul Awal has said the pre-election assessment mission of the US wants a free, fair and participatory election in Bangladesh.

The US mission held a meeting with the Election Commission at the Nirbachan Bhaban in the capital.

The six-member International Republican Institute (IRI) and National Democratic Institute (NDI) team arrived in Bangladesh on Saturday to follow electoral preparations and conduct an independent and impartial assessment.

“They are mainly here for pre-assessment of the election preparations. The team had wanted to know about the rules, duties and activities of the Election Commission,” the CEC told reporters after a meeting with the delegation.

No member of the US mission, however, spoke to the media.

“Now they will decide whether to send an [election] observer team, when and how to send it,” he added.

The US delegation wanted to know about the preparation of the EC and the commission explained to the delegation about the progress and how the works are coordinated with the government, he said.

The US mission has already held separate meetings with the ruling Awami League, BNP and Jatiya Party.

It will meet with a diverse group of election stakeholders including government officials, political party leaders, election authorities, civil society and others till its stay ends on Friday.