Social Welfare Minister Nuruzzaman Ahmed on Wednesday said integrated training centers are being established in all the eight divisions of the country with the aim of providing training, and creating employment for physically challenged people.
In order to exploit the talent and skills of the people with disabilities for the country’s development, it is necessary to provide them with proper care and training. We must generate employment opportunities for them and the society needs to be more accommodating and friendlier towards them. We believe every differently able person has the potential to be self-employed if they are trained and treated in a strategic manner.
We believe every differently able
person has the potential to be
self-employed if they are trained
and treated in a strategic manner
A few decades ago, very few parents were aware of autism. With the onset of globalisation and in the digital era, more people are familiar with autism now than ever. Governments, doctors, NGOs and parents came together to spread increased awareness about autism but still the efforts have not been adequately comprehended in rural Bangladesh.
Experts assert that one of the most difficult things about autism is the judgment of other people. The problem with autism is that the person finds difficulties being social. For example, a differently able person may acquire high computer skills but become restless with sound or noise. In such cases, offices should create a special working environment for them.
Children with disabilities are targets of bullying, more likely to be victimised, and the society shuns people with autism. Considering this, necessary steps should be taken to raise awareness about the rights of persons with disabilities. Also, as a part of the society we must break social, environmental and psychological barriers that come in the way of differently able persons.