
Taro farming gaining ground in Kishoreganj

Published : 09 Mar 2022 08:45 PM

Farmers of Kishoreganj have found a way of economic prosperity by cultivating Taro and Taro roots. Even beyond the country, the taste of Kishoreganj's Taro and Taro roots has spread abroad. The Taro and Taro roots produced by the district are exported to the United Kingdom and Italy in Europe and various countries in the Middle East including Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Qatar. According to the locals, the Taro and Taro roots here are gaining popularity in the country and abroad as they are delicious. Farmers are also increasing their interest in Taro cultivation as they get more profit than production cost and labor.

According to the farmers, the cost of cultivating one bigha of Taro is around Tk. 20000. The cost comes from the sale of Taro roots. As part of the profit, Taro of every bigha of land can be sold for a minimum of Tk 80,000 to Tk. 1 lakh.

On the other hand, due to the high demand for vegetables, the farmers said that they are sold as soon as they are picked from the land and taken to different local markets. Traders from different parts of the country come here every day to buy Taro and Taro roots.

According to Kishoreganj Agriculture Extension Department sources, Taro is being planted in almost every upazila as the soil of Kishoreganj is suitable for Taro cultivation. In this district white and coconut varieties are cultivated. This year, the target has been set to cultivate Taro in 475 hectares of land in the district. 10498 metric tonnes Taro was produce in this year. Since Taro is a four-month crop, local farmers can easily cultivate transplanted aman paddy by picking Taro.

Kishoreganj Agriculture Extension Deputy Director Md Saiful Alam said the local agriculture office is providing regular training and necessary advice on Taro cultivation. Farmers are being trained on cultivation methods including sex pheromone traps for production of non-toxic Taro. He said they hope to increase production in the area in the future. He also said that farmers are also benefiting from foreign exports.