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Sylhet City announces 839 crore budget

Published : 17 Sep 2021 10:51 PM | Updated : 17 Sep 2021 11:46 PM

Sylhet City Corporation (SCC) has announced a budget of over 839.20 crore taka. SCC Mayor Ariful Haque Chowdhury announced this budget for the fiscal year 2021-22 with equal amount of income and expenditure on Thursday.

The budget was announced at a convention hall at city's Baluchar area on Thursday afternoon. In his budget speech, Mayor Arif said, “If the esteemed city dwellers pay regular holding tax and other arrears, I expect the city corporation to earn a total of Tk 82.23 crore in its own sector in the budget year.” 

Holding tax of Tk 44.92 crore, tax on transfer of immovable property Tk 8.60 crore, tax on construction and reconstruction of buildings Tk 2 crore, tax on occupations Tk 6.5 crore, tax on advertisement Tk 1.25 crore etc has been shown as significant sources of income in the budget. 

Tk 10 crore for Government Development Program (ADP), Tk 31.6 crore for Government Special Grants, including Covid-19, Dengue, Cleaning and Publicity sub-sectors, Tk 1 crore for other project grants, Tk 10 crore for City Corporation's infrastructure construction project worth Tk 10 crore etc has been listed as major expenditure sector in this year’s budget.

Besides, allocation of relief or emergency relief expenditure has been assumed Tk 1 crore, expenditure in case of emergency disaster Tk 2 crore, Tk 3 crore for road lighting, Tk 1 crore for office or building rent, Tk 50 lakh for security policing, Tk 30 lakh for digital fair, Tk 15 lakh has been allocated for other expenditure sectors. 

Besides, Tk 12.37 crore has been allocated for the installation cost of water supply branch, connection cost of water line, repair of pump house, machine and pipeline.