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State minister extends helping hand to injured BCL leader

Published : 16 Aug 2021 09:39 PM

State Minister for Information and BroadcastingDrMdMuradHasan has given a grant of Tk one lakh to BCL leader Abdullah Al Masud, who was brutally injured and lost his leg in an attack by Jamaat-Shibir miscreants on the Rajshahi University campus in 2014.

He handed over the grant money to the injured Abdullah Al Masud in the State Minister's room at the Secretariat on Monday afternoon. The Minister informed that necessary steps would be taken for the treatment of Masud.

In front of the journalists, Masud expressed his gratitude to the state minister for information and said that he would be able to add an artificial leg if he could afford Tk 5-6 lakh for further operation. He will be able to lead a somewhat normal life then. He drew the attention of the Prime Minister and senior leaders of the Awami League to arrange a job for his future.