Popular child-friendly programme ‘Sisimpur’ for Bangladeshi children received the nomination for internationally prestigious Kidscreen awards. ‘Sisimpur’ received this nomination along with other two world-famous child-friendly series in the category of ‘Best mixed media series’ for their episode from the 13th season. Learning through play, helping others and thus getting to know that we get happier for being able to help each other are emphasized in this episode, which is critical for child development. Along with this, attention is also given to empathy, science, environment, literacy, math, etc. in each episode of the season.
Kidscreen Awards reward in different categories including best series, animated film and live-action programmes developed for kids and family audiences around the world. Winners’ names for the year 2022 will be announced in February through a gorgeous programme.
In expressing his excitement for being nominated for the prestigious Kidscreen awards the Executive Director of ‘Sisimpur’ Mohammad Shah Alam said, this is undoubtedly a very delightful message. Kidscreen awards are a very prestigious award for the children’s programme worldwide. Our ‘Sisimpur’ has been nominated among the best three competing with leading child-friendly programmes in the world. I believe this is a matter of great pride for us which will tremendously encourage our future works.
This is mentionable that ‘Sisimpur’ was also awarded as the best child-friendly programme in a survey conducted by BBC World Service Trust in 2010 and was nominated as the third-best popular programme in overall categories. A longitudinal study conducted by ACPR found that the children who watch the Sisimpur programmes regularly show more competencies in language and letters, math and socio-cultural fields in comparison to the one-year older children who don’t watch ‘Sisimpur’.
Mentionable, Bangladeshi version of Sesame Workshop ‘Sisimpur’ is working since 2005 under the preprimary child development programme with the goal ‘Let children be more complete, stronger and more kind in all areas. Different ministries of the government are supporting the implementation of various programmes including broadcasting.