The forthcoming film "Premik," directed by Raihan Rafi, would feature Shakib Khan and be made by Chorki and Alpha-i. The movie is slated to hit theaters around the time of the forthcoming Eid al-Adha holiday.
According to sources, there have been three talks about this project in Shakib Khan's office in Gulshan. Several prominent individuals attended these meetings, including Shahriar Shakil, managing director of Alpha-i Studios, and Redoan Rony, a well-known director and chief operating officer of Chorki. The official announcement is still coming, but the specifics have been worked out.
Shakib Khan is the most well-known hero in the nation, thus working with him excites director Raihan Rafi, who also noted this. I've always desired to collaborate with him. Something extraordinary is certain to occur when we work together.
Regarding the specifics of the project, Raihan Rafi kept mum, stating, "Let's wait; I will reveal all the details at the right time."
Notably, two movies, "Priyotma," starring Shakib Khan, and "Surongo," directed by Raihan Rafi, were released during the previous Eid-ul-Azha and had a big influence on Bengali cinema. The pairing of these two talented individuals in a single movie would undoubtedly cause a great deal of enthusiasm among viewers.