Education & Culture

Russian House holds seminar on study opportunities in Russia

Published : 14 Sep 2023 08:38 PM

The Russian House in Dhaka (RHD) has organised an educational seminar regarding opportunities for higher studies in Russia in the academic year 2024-2025, with the possibility of receiving scholarships provided by the Government of the Russian Federation.

The RHD Director, Pavel Dvoychenkov delivered updated data on the Russian education system and detailed the application process and submission of documents to candidates on the online platform, according to a press release.

He said that Bangladeshi students can study at any university designated for scholarship in Russia and talked about the world-class higher education and professional prospects of Russian alumni, who hold various senior positions in various public services, private companies and higher education institutions in Bangladesh.

He stated that last year 110 scholarships were allocated; the number of scholarships is increasing due to the huge interest of Bengali citizens in higher education in Russia and he is working on that initiative.

In his speech, he gave details about the ongoing New Generation Program organized by the Russian Government as well as the World Youth Festival-2024 ( to be held in March 2024 and its registration process. He also spoke about taking the Russian language course at RHD to facilitate higher education studies in Russia. In October 2023 will start a new language course.

The meeting was also attended by Dr. Taibul Hasan Khan, a Soviet Alumni, Former Professor of the History Department of Jahangirnagar University (Doctor of History, People's Friendship University of Russia); Mrs. Yasmin Sultana, Teacher, Russian Language Course, Russian House in Dhaka. Dr. Taibul Hasan Khan confirmed from his practical experience that Bangladeshi students have employment opportunities in any country in the world, including Bangladesh, after completing their studies at any university in Russia.

At one stage of the seminar, students of the People's Friendship University of Russia (PFUR) joined the video conference. Two representatives of the Bangla Press Club of Russia and the Bangladesh Students Union (PFUR) participated in the video conference. They congratulated those interested in pursuing higher education at Russian universities. They shared their practical experience of studying in Russia and said to start the application process for Russian government scholarships to Russian universities as soon as possible without missing out on world-class study opportunities.

The audience got answers to various questions they expected from the education section.