We are deeply concerned that fake birth certificates, national identity (NID) cards and passports are being provided for Rohingyas and Bangladeshi criminals. Such fraudulent activities pose a serious threat to national security.
Besides, it is shocking to note that some employees of the Election Commission and Ansar are involved in the fraudulence. We think it is creating negative impact on the all sectors of the country, particularly the overseas job market.
In the face of massive drives carried out by different law enforcement agencies, the organised fraud gangs involved in producing fake NID cards and passports went into hiding, but they have returned to their illegal business again with new strategies using digital system.
Any Rohingya can easily obtain a ‘near original’ fake NID card or passport in exchange of money. Police arrested 23 people, including Rohingyas and Ansar for providing NID cards and passports to Rohingyas.
Any Rohingya can easily obtain a ‘near
original’ fake NID card or
passport in exchange
of money
The fraud gang members are making fake birth certificates, NID cards and passports for Rohingyas and Bangladeshi criminals. The gang has been involved in this racket since 2019, and made 143 passports for Rohingyas in the last three months, according to media reports.
According to the police, the forgery suspects admitted to charging Tk 5,000 to Tk 12,000 for producing fake birth certificates within six hours. They also charge Tk 25,000 for national identity (NID) cards and Tk 1,20,000 for passports, promising delivery within three days.
The gang members used to bring the Rohingyas to Dhaka from Cox's Bazar, and other refugee camps and forged birth certificates and NIDs for them. The gang used names and addresses of people from Dhaka, Narayanganj, Mymensingh, Rangpur, Shariatpur, Gopalganj and Barishal to produce the fake birth certificates, NIDs and passports.
Therefore, Rohingya refugees are making Bangladeshi passports with the help of local and Rohingya brokers, who manage all the required documents in exchange of large amount of money.
The law enforcement agencies must intensify the drive against gangs involved in issuing fake NID cards and passports to the Rohingyas and criminals.