
Robust economy rises from War ashes

Create opportunities for betterment of individual life

Published : 17 Dec 2020 08:10 PM | Updated : 18 Dec 2020 01:06 AM

The new-born nation of Bangladesh that achieved its independence through the nine-month-long and catastrophic war left the country devastated and in a heap of ashes. Since then after 49 years of independence, that nascent  state has become a symbol for freedom and development. We now have a robust economy that is only going forward and expanding exponentially.

According to a report published in this daily, after 49 years of independence, Bangladesh has been able to become a dignified state under the dynamic leadership of Bangabandhu’s daughter Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina. We believe that this advance will only be expedited more and more as we go forward. 

The immense number of mega projects that are going on in the country are testaments to the growth. And, the finishing of the Padma Bridge will also be a great boost to the economy that will enhance communication and transportation to the southwestern region of the country by leaps.

The number of mega projects that 

are going on in the country is a 

testament to the growth

The report also elaborated on how in the World Bank's 'Human Development Index, 2020' report, Bangladesh ranks 52nd out of 174 countries with 46 points. This is a great achievement as Bangladesh's per capita income is now $2064, whereas Pakistan's per capita income is $1641 and India's $1895. This means that Bangladesh is ahead in the race with both India and Pakistan.

It is also heartening to know that the literacy rate in Bangladesh is now 73.9 per cent and in Pakistan it is 59.13 per cent. Though India is ahead in this regard it is only a time before we catch up with them too. 

However, what is most reassuring of this extensive growth of the country is that the present government is to take the country to a developed country by 2041. Work is underway on 10 mega projects to take Bangladesh on the highways of developed countries.

Let us hope for a better future with an economy that will bolster the nation for future generations.