
PM vows to continue anti-corruption drive

Corruption corrosive for development

Published : 30 Sep 2019 07:07 PM | Updated : 07 Sep 2020 01:33 PM

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina said that the drive against the corrupt and dishonest will continue as they are responsible for corroding the morals of society. The drives against terrorism, militancy, corruption and drugs will continue, and those who break laws will be apprehended despite their party affiliations. 

Those who partake in illicit activities and corruption to earn money discourage honest citizens and bring chaos to society. Moreover, the corrupt officials and representatives steal money that would have been utilized in development schemes. They are doing tremendous harm to the people of the country. 

The government is also taking strict action against those involved in drug peddling and smuggling valuables out of the country. Those who supply drugs to people, particularly the youth, are responsible for destroying countless lives and families. 

For a long time, Bangladesh’s development has been stymied due to corruption in government officials. A certain segment of officials have been abusing their power for their own gains and personal interests. Corruption itself is like a plague that spreads from within. As a result, even lower rank officials start to abuse their power and do as they please. 

We welcome the government’s initiative to

 hold those in power accountable and

 ensure that they are not left unchecked

The government’s cleansing drive against corruption is sure to send a message to those people to take heed and change their ways. If those found guilty are given strict penalties, it will undoubtedly discourage others in the future from engaging in corruption, bribery and other illicit activities. 

In the 48 years since our independence, we have been held back in terms of development due to officials in power doing as they please and stealing unabashedly from the people’s money. They have long evaded the rule of law and have corrupted generations after generations.

We welcome the government’s initiative to hold those in power accountable and ensuring that they are not left unchecked. We hope that in the future corruption in Bangladesh will no longer be commonplace and the people’s faith in the government is fully restored.