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Outer dome installation at RNPP unit-1 begins

Published : 12 Nov 2022 09:38 PM

The country's first nuclear power plant is becoming more visible with each passing day. As part of it, installation of the outer containment dome began at the reactor building of unit-1 of the Power Plant on November 10. 

However, installation of the lower tier of the dome has already been completed, according to the project official.  

It took five hours for installing the heavy structure with a weight of 200 tonnes and a diameter of 46.3 metres in the design position at a height of 48.8 metres. Installation of the upper tier and concreting will take place in the coming days. 

A subsidiary of Russia’s State Atomic Energy Corporation, Rosatom, is implementing the power plant project at Rooppur in Pabna district. It is a top priority project on the Bangladesh government’s agenda, all the way up to the Prime Minister’s Office. 

 Alexey Deriy, ASE Vice President and Director for the Rooppur NPP construction project, said, “The outer containment is one of the key localizing safety systems. It is a reinforced concrete structure protecting the reactor from severe external impacts including earthquake, tsunami or hurricane.”

Apart from the outer containment, the reactor building is protected with the inner containment that was installed in 2021. Double containment is a distinctive feature of the Russian design of power units with VVER-1200 reactors, ensuring the highest level of safety.

Dome assembly and installation works are carried out by specialists from the Trest RosSEM Branch, a part of the Rosatom Engineering Division.

Science and Technology Minister Yeafesh Osman said, “The work of this project is progressing with 100 percent transparency. Our first shipment of nuclear fuel will arrive within the next year. Hopefully, we can finish all work on time, Insha Allah.”

Project Director Mohammad Shawkat Akbar said, after successfully commissioning of the first unit of the 2400MW power plant, electricity is expected to be added to the national grid by 2024 and that of the second unit by 2025.

Earlier on October 10, 2021, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina inaugurated the installation of the first unit nuclear reactor pressure vessel through videoconferencing from Dhaka. It is the biggest project in the history of Bangladesh. The work of the Rooppur nuclear power plant has not stopped for a day even during the coronavirus pandemic. About 25-26 thousand local and foreign people worked day and night for this project in three shifts every day.

The Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission (BAEC), the project owner, inked a contract with Russia's state-run uranium mining and nuclear fuel production company, TVEL, in August 2019 for importing nuclear fuel from 2027 to till the plant remains in operation. However, the Russian Federation will provide the fuel for the plant till 2027 under a general contract as part of construction.

Sources at the BAEC said after every 18 months, one-third of nuclear fuel will have to be changed. Necessary stock of uranium will remain on standby on the project site after the required amount is loaded into the rector. 

Rooppur Nuclear Power Plant is planned and being constructed according to the Russian design. The plant will have two power units with the latest generation 3+ VVER 1,200 reactor, which will fully meet all international safety requirements. The lifespan of the reactors are 60 years, which can be extended for another 20 years, if necessary. 

In 2015-2016, preparatory work was carried out at the construction site, working documentation was developed and documents for licensing for construction were prepared. On November 4, 2017, the regulatory authority of Bangladesh (BAERA) issued the required licence for the design and construction of the plant.

On 2 October 2013, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina laid the foundation stone of Rooppur NPP. The Executive Committee of the National Economic Council (ECNEC) approved the Construction of Rooppur NPP Project on 6 December 2016 at an estimated cost of Taka 1,13,092.91 crore.