
New software to check cybercrimes

Implement an updated cyber-security policy to safeguard cyberspace

Published : 06 Jan 2021 08:58 PM | Updated : 07 Jan 2021 01:35 AM

It is good to note that the department of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has developed a new software named ‘People’s Government Open Data’ to track those who spread rumours and propaganda on social media. We have come to know that if anyone from any part of the country or abroad spreads rumours can be instantly detected through this app. 

We not only have gained huge success in the ICT sector over the last  years but also we have experienced numerous instances of cybercrimes. 

We have experienced misuse of social media driven by propaganda and unauthentic information. But identifying the actual source of wrongful activities has remained a challenge for us. Therefore, the integration of the new software to check cyber crime can be addressed as an important step in right direction. 

The integration of the new software to 

check cyber crime can be addressed 

as an important step in right direction. 

As reported by this daily on Wednesday, in Bangladesh, more than 80 percent of the youths have facebook accounts. But, most of them can not understand which or what kind of posts are real or fake. Most of them believe in the fake news or rumours. 

Considering the emerging number of online users and continued efforts on affordable access, cyber security needs to be integrated in every aspect of policy and planning. The government should look forward to playing an effective role in making the digital world safer.

It  is time to quickly frame an appropriate and updated cyber-security policy, create adequate infrastructure and foster closer collaboration among all the stakeholders involved to ensure a safe cyberspace. As cybercrime is an emerging threat and no one is fully secure these days, emphasis should be given on how we can control cybercrimes with continuous monitoring. 

Hence, we need to deploy special cyber-security watchdogs and equip them with advanced technology. Last but not least, mechanisms so far used to safeguard cyber space should be made more inclusive, and the question of rights and freedom in cyberspace needs to be duly addressed as well.