Dhallywood popular actress and model Bidya Sinha Saha Mim has a career spanning more than a decade. Rumours of her relationship with many have spread in this long journey.
However, none of them came forward. This time maybe that is going to be broken. The special man in Mim's life is coming to the fore.
The actress has chosen her birthday to surprise her fans. Although it’s still not confirm, the actress hinted that she would introduce to someone special on her birthday.
Recently in an interview, Mim said, "I haven't made any plans yet when I will introduce that special person to everyone maybe after this evening. Though I occasionally post pictures of him on Facebook, but no one understood yet.
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There are few picture of Mim's at social media, where she was wearing a ring on her ring finger. Usually no one wears a ring on this finger unless they are engaged.
The gorgeous actress was born on November 10, 1992 in Rajshahi. In 2007 she entered the showbiz through a beauty contest titled ‘Lux Channel I Superstar’ and made her acting debut in 2008 appearing in Humayun Ahmed directed tele- film titled ‘Amar Ache Jol’, produced under Impress Telefilm Limited. So far she has been seen in several popular and successful movies.
Currently the actress is working on films titled 'Ittefaq' and 'Antarjal'. Some of the dfilms shooting has been complete, some are yet to be complete. On the other hand, her films 'Damaal' and 'Poran' are awaiting release.