
MetLife launches ‘360Health’ app to help ailing people

Published : 15 Jan 2022 07:57 PM

MetLife has launched 360Health, a first-of-its-kind healthcare mobile app aimed at helping people in Bangladesh prevent and manage serious illness in a ceremony on Saturday. 

 The new app-based solution is the only one in the market to comprehensively focus on five key aspects of managing critical illnesses: prevention of diseases; early diagnosis; access to treatment; ongoing care; and financial protection from insurance, to help users manage serious illnesses through a simple and engaging experience. 

 Busy lifestyles, poor diet and stress have led to a sharp rise in serious illnesses, including non-communicable diseases like cancer and diabetes, which are now estimated to account for 67% of deaths in Bangladesh.[i]

A recent MetLife study also found that affordability of healthcare; access to quality healthcare professionals; and quality of the hospitals are major concerns for Bangladeshis seeking to manage their health. 

The research also indicated that most people would opt for contactless online medical consultations, provided the quality is of a high standard given the current COVID-19 situation.