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Book Talk

Love in the Time of Whatsapp and Other Stories

Published : 17 Sep 2019 04:14 PM | Updated : 07 Sep 2020 01:14 AM


My musing

Ruskin Bond is my hands down favourite author when it comes to short stories. His natural flair and undying love for the hills is something that is so adequately reflected in most of his short stories.

Not having read a short story collection in a long time, I got quite excited when the book, ‘Love in the Time of Whatsapp and Other Stories’ came my way for review.

This short collection is a bittersweet reminder of how love has changed in the face of technology. Read on to know more about my thoughts on the book and about my experience of reading it.

What to expect?

Expect a book that has a decent collection of 12 short stories all of which somehow reflect the convergence of technology and modern love. Expect a book that has a really diverse range of stories.

Expect a book that is a simple and short read and that will mostly appeal to beginner-level readers. Finally, expect a book that can be easily read in under 2 hours.

The unique theme

More people are meeting and loving online now than ever. Technology has changed how we humans look at love and also how we experience love. It sure has brought some respite to lovers, closed the distances that had earlier existed but at the same time, it has also diluted the near-magical joy of true love.

What was once so unattainable is now available at the click of a button and there’s an endless choice available to those seeking it.

In the midst of such changing times, the tales of ‘Love in the Time of Whatsapp and Other Stories’ show us the good, the bad and the ugly side of the fusion that is created when love intermingles with technology.

My personal favourites

Though a lot of stories appealed to me, my personal favourites amongst the lot are ‘Wi-Fi Love’ and ‘Chrysanthemums in Springtime’.

‘Wi-Fi love’ is a story that cautions us of the consequences of trusting a stranger in the online world. It reminds us that the virtual world is not the same as the real one and one small misjudgment on our part can mean courting disaster.

‘Chrysanthemums in Springtime’ is not a story that perfectly adheres to the theme but nevertheless it is a sweet one that attests to the fact that true love is indeed immortal.

What could have been better?

Though most of the stories are real gems, there are some that are just plain boring. They unnecessarily tone down the goodness of the book. I would have loved it if the book was deprived of those few stories that seemed insipid and pointless.

It all boils down to the entertainment quotient

The book is definitely entertaining. Barring a few dull ones, almost all the stories are interesting to read. The candid narrations and contemporary theme also ensure that the book is fast-paced and racy.

In the end

In the end, ‘Love in the Time of Whatsapp and Other Stories’ is a short and sweet collection of tales that tell us a thing or two about the times that we live in and the way technology has changed the way we love and even find love.

An easy read full of stories that are flowy and breezy, the book is a decent time pass.