Education & Culture

Literature and Culture multiple Choice questions

Published : 24 Aug 2023 09:09 PM

1. Who has written the book 'War and Peace'?

a. Leo Tolstoy

b. Saul Bellow

c. Adam Smith

d. Mikhail Solokhov

e. L. Morgan

2. Who is the author of the famous statement : 'That Government is the best which governs last'?

a. Alexis De Tocqueville

b. Harold Laski

c. Henry David Thoreau

d. Herbert Spencer

e. None of these

3. 'Odyssey' was written by--

a. Milton

b. Tennyson

c. Shakespeare

d. Homer

4. Eskimos hunt using a dog-driven vehicle called--

a. Cart

b. Sledge

c. Bus

d. Snow Cart

e. None of these

5. The only religious book ever printed in a shorthand scripts is:

a. The Bible

b. Guru Granth Sahib

c. The Ramayana

d. The Mahabharata

e. None of the above

6. 'The Gathering Strom' is written---

a. George Bush

b. George Washigton

c. Voltaire

d. Winston Churchill

e. None of them

7. The author of the 'Harry Porter' series is--

a. William Shakespeare

b. JK Rowling

c. Sidney Sheldon

d. HG Wells

8. The author of the book 'Time machine' is--

a. Charles Dickens

b. H.G. Wells

c. Robert Louise Stevenson

d. Lewis Carroll

e. L. Morgan

9. Anne Frank wrote her world her world-famous dairy during the Second World War hiding in--

a. Germany

b. Holland

c. England

d. Poland

e. Austria

10. Who wrote 'September on Jessore road'?

a. Monica Ali

b. Robert Frost

c. Allen Ginsberg

d. None of the above

Answer: 1. A, 2. D, 3. D, 4. B, 5. A, 6. D, 7. B, 8. B, 9. B, 10. C