Education & Culture

JnU Cultural Centre gets new body

Published : 11 Aug 2023 08:45 PM

The new committee of the Jagannath University (JnU) Cultural Centre has been formed for next one year. Tamjida Islam Munni, a student of the Education and Research Institute,  and Mehdi Hasan, a student of the Fine Arts department, have been elected as president and general secretary, respectively.

On Wednesday (August 09), the chief advisor of Jagannath University Cultural Centre, Prof. of Fine Arts Department Dr. Bazlur Rashid Khan, announced the 37-member committee. At that time, the other advisers of JnU Cultural Centre, the president of the immediate past committee, Asfiqur Rahman, and the general secretary, Sahidul Islam Bhuiyan, were present.

It is be noted that the JnU Cultural Centre has been actively participating in various cultural activities since the establishment of Jagannath University. This organisation of the university is active in the development of local culture.