
Husband, wife electrocuted in Faridpur

Published : 18 Aug 2020 08:20 PM | Updated : 07 Sep 2020 06:47 PM

Police have recovered the body of a husband and wife and in another incident recovered a teenager’s body from a building under construction in Faridpur. 

According to police, Rabban Mallick, 55, and his wife Hasi Begum, 48, were electrocuted in Saltha, Faridpur. The incident took place at Barkhardia Kazipara village of Jadunandi union of the upazila around 5:30 am on Tuesday.

Rabban Mallick is the son of the late Dhala Mallick of that village. Rabban Mallick of Barkhardia Kazipara village was going to the river near his house to pick up fishing nets at around 5.30 am on Tuesday.

At that moment, he screamed when he got entangled in electricity wire. When his wife tried to save him, she too got entangled with the electric wire and both the husband and wife died on the spot. The incident has cast a shadow of mourning in the area.

Meanwhile, police recovered the body of a teenager named Sabbir, 13, from a room on the 11th floor of the Professor Tower under construction in the southern Jhiltuli area of the city.