
HC directs CAAB to take action in two weeks

Published : 26 Jun 2023 10:44 PM

High Court has directed the Civil Aviation Authority of Bangladesh (CAAB) to take necessary action within 15 days in connection with the death of Gulf Air pilot Captain Mohannad Yousef Hassan Al Hindi. 

The HC bench of Justice KM Kamrul Kader and Justice Mohammad Showkat Ali Chowdhury issued the order following the petition of Tala Elhendy, a citizen of the United States of America (USA) and the pilot’s sister. 

Tala Elhendy’s lawyer Barrister Saqeb Mahbub said that the court instructed the Civil Aviation Authority of Bangladesh to dispose of their petition sent for investigation against Gulf Air within 15 days of receiving the court order, says a press release issued on Monday (June 26). 

Meanwhile, on June 25 (Sunday) was the deadline for submitting the police report on the criminal case against United Hospital over the death of the pilot. 

The plaintiff filed a writ petition against Gulf Air in the High Court on June 19. However, the Police Bureau of Investigation (PBI) has asked the CMM court for more time. 

At that time, Tala Elhendy Josephano, sister of Gulf Air pilot Mohannad Yousef Hassan Al Hindi, was present in the court. “I am going to file a lawsuit demanding compensation from United Hospital and Gulf Air,” she said.

Tala Elhendy further said, “If I receive any compensation from the said case, I will donate to the medical services of Bangladesh. So that no one like me and my family get harmed due to medical negligence in Bangladesh.”

Tala Elhendy intend to pursue this case steadfastly and determinedly, which will only contribute to creating a positive impact on the medical system with the desire for justice. “Gulf Air personnel did not show the reports to doctors in Bahrain when my brother's body arrived. If they had, the doctors would have told the personnel that the reports were not accurate. Since they did not, we are certain that there was an ill motive behind it as if they were trying to conceal facts,” she said. 

Tala Elhendy said that Gulf Air hurriedly buried her brother instead of finding the proper reasoning behind his demise. 

She filed a writ petition against the CAAB on March 28, seeking direction to investigate the actions and role of Gulf Air. A mention slip for the writ petition was submitted to a division bench of the High Court on April 2, and the matter will come up for hearing in due course. 

According to Tala Elhendy, there was negligence on the part of both United Hospital and Gulf Air authorities. When she tried to reach out to Gulf Air, they ceased all communication with her. 

She tried to lodge a First Information Report (FIR) against United Hospital at the Gulshan Police Station on January 31 in 2023, but the police declined to register the case. Tala Elhendy then filed a complaint petition at Metropolitan Magistrate Court number 21 of Dhaka against United Hospital for their negligence in treating her brother, which resulted in his death. 

Mohannad Yousef Hassan Al Hindi passed away on December 14 in 2022 at United Hospital in Dhaka. Tala Elhendy arrived in Bangladesh on January 26 in 2023, and personally investigated the death of her brother over the course of a few days by trying to obtain information and documents from United Hospital pertaining to her brother’s case.