
GPH to introduce advance technology

Published : 23 Jul 2019 06:29 PM | Updated : 07 Sep 2020 01:05 AM

Rahul Sarker Palash, Ctg

GPH Group is going to introduce world-class technology in Bangladesh for the first time that has been added to the top of this industry group.

Whose expenditure was estimated to be about Tk2400 crore. The world's latest quantum arc technology will be manufactured from the raw materials scrap in the factory and the iron will be produced through the machine.

It will reduce the risk of accidents too much. In addition to the lowest carbon emissions, the environment will be saved in addition to environmental pollution, water and water will be saved.

Engineers have expressed their hope that the project, which is about 150 acres of land, will start production work in this year. Already 95 percent of the project is completed. If everything is okay then there will be possibility of production start in October-November.

The annual production capacity of which is about 8.4 lakh metric tons. However, more than 10 tons can be produced later, said Engineer Mostaq Ahmad.

GPH Group Chairman Md Jahangir Alam said, "There are many advanced technologies used in various European countries. This type of technology is being used for the first time in Bangladesh for the next 20 years plan.

Through this, the rapid development of this industry and will contribute greatly to the economy of the country. "Project Director Engineer, Jahida Suman highlighted various aspects of the project on the big screen. The world's most advanced raw material of roll production of billet and rolling factories has been set up by the world's sophisticated technology.

Engineer Zahid Sumon said, the famous technology firm of Europe, Prime Metal Technology, has been used here. Advanced and advanced technology has also been used in the production of oxygen in the environment.

The engineers claim that the tolerable level of carbon emissions is 50 mg and the DOE level is 75 mg. But the carbon rate of GPH will be 10 mg.

Engineer Zahid Sumon said, the production of rod requires 3 hundred cubic feet of gas per ton. But the use of new technology will require only 35 cubic feet of gas. Large amount of gas will be saved.

Chairman of GPH Group Jahangir Alam said, the size of the economy of Bangladesh has grown. We are not able to rise market share without increasing the production. Others have taken the market. But there are lot of opportunities to increase our shares. So, for the first time in the country, we have taken initiative to build big industrial group by using sophisticated technology.