Deputy Commissioner of Gopalganj Shahida Sultana visited the mobile maintenance work of LGED on Bedgram-Silna road of Sadar Upazila on Thursday afternoon. At this time, senior assistant engineer of LGED Habibur Rahman, Sadar Upazila Vice-Chairman Nitish Chandra Roy, Sadar Upazila Engineer Zahidul Islam, Assistant Engineer Ranjan Kumar Saha and others were present.
He emphasized on reducing the public suffering by keeping the road serviceable through renovation and repair. He said that the regular repair of these minor potholes through mobile maintenance is cost-effective as well as very effective in increasing the durability of the road.
Executive Engineer of LGED Ehsanul Haque said, according to the instructions of the headquarters of LGED, in the fiscal year 2022-2023, repairs have already been completed in various parts of the 50 km paved road in various upazilas of the district by specialized teams. Performs maintenance, periodic maintenance, emergency maintenance and mobile maintenance. LGED has been doing the works for the purpose of keeping the roads constructed every year suitable for movement and use on all routes, among them mobile maintenance is one of the most important.
Mobile painted maintenance for repairing small potholes, pot holes, patch repairs, edging breaks in roads has already created a huge response across the country. For the purpose of conducting this activity, a team is managed by the office of the Executive Engineer in each district and this work is done under the direct supervision of the Executive Engineer.
Mobile maintenance activities are conducted based on the information received through upazila engineers and local public representatives at the
field level.