Education & Culture

Four DPS STS Dhaka Students Earn Cambridge Education Award

Published : 03 Sep 2023 09:09 PM

A total of 157 students registered for IGCSE/O Level from DPS STS School Dhaka, and out of these, 4 students were conferred the prestigious Cambridge International Certificate in Education award with three distinctions and one merit. Moreover, 10 students received six or more A* in the IGCSE, 16 got an overall 90 percent and more marks, and 35 are eligible for The Daily Star award. In the IGCSE, 49% of students achieved A* and A grades, read a press release.

The school is celebrating the brilliant achievements of the students in the IGCSE exam. The students' outstanding results showcase the school's commitment to offering an inclusive learning environment for everyone to reach their full potential. 

On the other hand, 132 students entered for International AS and 88 students registered for A Level from DPS STS School Dhaka. Of these, 6 A Level students attained an overall 90 per cent and more marks. Additionally, 12 students got three or more A* in the A Level exam. 20 students are eligible for The Daily Star Award. In the A Level exams, 38% of students earned A* and A grades.

On this happy occasion, Dr Shivananda C S, Principal, DPS STS School Dhaka, said, "Congratulations to all the students who achieved such outstanding results. To the students who have completed their A Level, this is a massive step toward your future, and I cannot wait to see what becomes of it. Best wishes for the future. To the other students, we hope you study with the same dedication and accomplish more. Moreover, I would like to thank all the teachers and parents for supporting and encouraging the students to work hard and reach their full potential. Our school is dedicated to helping and providing the best programme for the students; these amazing results are a testament to it."