Kamrun Nahar Putul, 65, a former MP from reserved seat for women, died with Covid-19 symptoms. She fell ill on Thursday night, and was later taken to Boggura Shaheed Ziaur Rahman Medical College Hospital (SZMC) where doctors declared her dead at 11:15 pm.
Since she died with corona symptoms, the burial was completed according to the guidelines on Friday. Burial of the deceased was completed at Namayagarh cemetery in the city.
Bogura Sadar Upazila Health and Family Planning Officer Samir Hossain Mishu said, “Kamrun Nahar Putul had been suffering from fever, cough and diarrhoea for the past few days.
On Thursday night, the she fell ill at her home in the Kalitala area of the city and her relatives took her to SZMC Hospital. At around 11 pm, the doctors of the emergency department declared her dead.”
He added that her samples were collected two days ago due to corona symptoms and sent to SZMC’s PCR lab. The results of this sample test will show whether she was infected with corona or not.
Kamrun Nahar Putul, former women's affairs secretary of Bogra district Awami League, was a member of parliament for the reserved women's seat in 1996. Her husband Mostafizur Rahman Patal was an Awami League MP in Bogra-5 (Gabtali) constituency in the first parliamentary elections in 1973. He was the youngest Member of Parliament of the Awami League in that Parliament. The couple has two daughters and one son.
Bogra District Awami League General Secretary Mostafizur Rahman Patal is one of the organisers of the great liberation war. He was killed, after Bangabandhu’s death as he protested against the assassination of Bangabandhu. He is the founder of Bogra District Sports Association. Following in the footsteps of her late husband, Kamrun Nahar’s Putul was active in Awami League politics for a longer period of time.