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Five unpublished works of Satyajit Ray to be unveiled

Published : 30 Apr 2019 02:46 PM | Updated : 28 Aug 2020 05:26 PM

Five previously unpublished titles by master director and writer Satyajit Ray will be published by Penguin Random House India in an association with the Society for the Preservation of Satyajit Ray Archives (Satyajit Ray Society) and the legal estate of the Ray Family from next year. 

The Penguin Ray Library will give Ray’s works a “unique look,” the publishing company said in a statement here on Monday adding the new titles will be presented in a special layout with quintessential aesthetics inspired by Ray’s sensibilities. 

Sandip Ray, Member Secretary, Satyajit Ray Society, said “we are excited to be a part of vision that Penguin Random House has for perpetuating Ray’s luminous legacy. The Penguin Ray Library and The Penguin Satyajit Ray Memorial Lecture are excellent platforms to introduce his works to new audiences and I am looking forward to seeing their representation of Satyajit Ray’s aesthetics in the new titles.”

Penguin is also collaborating with the Satyajit Ray Society to be a part of the annual lecture that is held in Ray’s memory each year. This year, the lecture was delivered by renowned Bangla fim director Tarun Majumdar on April 27 at Sisir Bhaduri Mancha in Kolkata.