
Facebook privacy

Limit what you share

Published : 22 Dec 2019 07:33 PM | Updated : 07 Sep 2020 04:24 PM

Facebook has captivated the lives of people for over a decade now. But in this decade it has collected various details about people’s lives. Many believe that people open up their mind to social media like Facebook. But nobody bothers that Facebook can do business with those information. Even before opening a facebook account maximum people do not check or read the written list of terms and conditions for opening an account. As a result, they are leaving themselves vulnerable on the World Wide Web. 

According to a report by Comparitech and security researcher Bob Diachenko, personal data consisting of user IDs, phone numbers and names of 267 million Facebook users was left exposed on a database online. Technology experts fear that this database could be accessed by anyone on the web without a password or any form of authentication and hence, it could be used for SMS spams and phishing attacks.

This has been made easier by Facebook as opening and account on Facebook is very quick and easy and yes, it’s free of charge. Keeping personal database close to Facebook is something like ‘fox guarding the hen house’. This social media wants to establish an image that it is a secure repository of 'personal information'. But in fact, Facebook is one of the biggest traps. There are many fascinating apps that are spread across Facebook! Starting from health, beauty and various intriguing apps are basically a net for hacking information. When someone uses these fun apps for their pleasure or in leisure, their personal information goes to Facebook. 

Facebook chief Mark Zuckerberg has apologized multiple times over the alleged leaks. It has been said that Facebook is actually a 'victim of the situation' of theft. But experts in the subject think that Facebook is not a 'victim of the situation', rather they are in fact a proponent of the situation.

So even ordinary people will have to consider how much information they are willing to provide on Facebook. In fact, it should be kept in mind that we should publish the minimum database required for Facebook without threatening our ‘privacy’. It's not just Facebook, there’s no secret in the world of the Internet. So the user has to be careful.