The government has instructed all educational institutions across the country to celebrate Mujibnagar Day on 17th April. This day marks an important milestone in Bangladesh's history and is an occasion to remember the significance of the Mujibnagar Declaration, which paved the way for the country's independence.
As per the instruction from the Ministry of Education, all public and private educational institutions are expected to organize discussion meetings, prayers, and other activities to commemorate the day. The focus should be on highlighting the importance of Mujibnagar Day and the role it played in the liberation of Bangladesh.
On this day, a discussion meeting on 'Historical Mujibnagar Day and Independence of Bangladesh' should be organized, and prayers should be offered for the welfare of the country and its people. It is expected that all primary schools, secondary schools, colleges, madrasas, technical institutes, and universities will participate in the celebrations.
Let us all observe this day with great respect and honor the sacrifices made by our forefathers in the struggle for independence.