Dutch-Bangla Chamber of Commerce & Industry (DBCCI) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Bangladesh Investment Development Authority (BIDA), Prime Minister’s Office on Tuesday at BIDA Conference Centre, Agargaon, Dhaka.
Executive Chairman of BIDA, Lokman Hossain Miah, Senior Secretary was present as a Chief Guest of the MoU signing ceremony. Mohsina Yasmin, Executive Member of BIDA was present as a Special Guest. The ceremony was conducted by Md. Matiur Rahman, Executive Member (Additional Secretary), Marketing & Communication as a Chairperson of the event.
On behalf of DBCCI Md. Anwar Shawkat Afser, President and from BIDA, Special Guest and Md. Matiur Rahman, Executive Member (Additional Secretary), Marketing & Communication have signed the MoU.
Md. Anwar Shawkat Afser, President of DBCCI said that a new era has been started by the MoU signing ceremony. DBCCI now got the affiliation from the Prime Minister’s Office of Bangladesh, BIDA. Now Dutch businessmen may be more confident to invest in Bangladesh by the collaboration of DBCCI. He also mentioned that DBCCI will start the Certificate of Origin for the Exporter to Europe to get rid of any fraudulent activities by the cooperation of the Bangladesh Government. DBCCI President highlighted the upcoming event “Bangladesh Investment Road Show in the BENELUX-2023”. Which will be jointly organized by BIDA and DBCCI in the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg during 25 February to 3 March 2023.
Representatives from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Commerce, Water, Power & Energy, Shipping, BIDA, PPPA, BEZA, BEPZA, Hi-Tech Park Authority, Securities & Exchange Commission, JDPC, Bangladesh Tanners Association, BFLLFEA and high profile Bangladeshi and European Businessmen will participate in the mega event.
Salman Fazlur Rahman, Advisor to Prime Minister, Private Industry and Investment will lead the delegation in the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg.
B2B and networking seminar will be held on the sectors like, Agriculture & Agro Food Processing, Finance & Banking, Finance & Banking, Blue Economy & Water Resources, Light & Heavy Engineering, Export, ICT, Equipment/Plant for - Car, Medical, Petroleum, Textile, Jute, Leather & Leather Goods, etc.