Domino’s Pizza Bangladesh has introduced its Ramadan campaign titled ‘Bakse Charai Utsaber Khusi’ in a press conference that took place at their Gulshan1 store in Dhaka on Monday. The campaign aims to celebrate the spirit of Ramadan while spreading joy among the customers.
To celebrate the auspicious month of giving & sharing, Domino’s Pizza is hosting a unique BOGO offer - Buy One Give One! For every delivery order placed during Ramadan, Domino's Pizza will donate a free meal to an underprivileged child in Bangladesh. Last year, Domino’s Pizza distributed a record 14,000 free meals. This year Domino’s Pizza is taking it to a different level and is targeting to distribute over 30,000 meals, as confirmed by Mr. Abu Obaida Imon,the Country Marketing Lead for Domino’s Pizza in Bangladesh.
“We are proud of the campaign, which effectively combines traditional culture and modern technology to create an engaging and immersive experience for customers while also giving back to the community. The “Buy One Give One” offer is a unique initiative demonstrating the company's commitment to social responsibility and positively impacting society. The offer engages with every customer who places a delivery order and makes them a partner in the noble cause of feeding those children.” – said Saumil Mehta, the Managing Director of Jubilant FoodWorks Bangladesh Limited.
Jubilant Food Works Limited Head of International Business Sanjay Mohta added, “I am thrilled to see an innovative campaign like this. This campaign is an excellent initiative by the Bangladesh team and highlights our commitment to societal welfare. It will help us to make a difference in the lives of many underprivileged children in the country. This is in line with our motto of spreading happiness through the power of technology and art while maintaining the age-old ethos of sharing food during Ramadan"