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Death anniversary of Moni Singh today

Published : 30 Dec 2019 09:16 PM | Updated : 07 Sep 2020 06:02 PM

The 29th death anniversary of Comrade Moni Singh, founder president of Communist Party of Bangladesh (CPB), will be observed today, reports BSS.

Comrade Singh was a member of the Advisory Council of the Provisional Government of Bangladesh during the Liberation War in 1971. He was born in Kolkata on July 28, 1901, to Kali Kumar Singh and Sarala Devi. He shifted to Durgapur in Mymensingh (Present Netrakona) with his mother at the age of seven, after his father’s death.

Moni Singh, an Independence Award recipient, died on December 31, 1990 at the age of 84. President M Abdul Hamid and Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina issued separate messages paying respect to the memory of the late leader and seeking eternal peace for his departed soul. In his message, President Abdul Hamid said Moni Singh was the pioneer of the communist movement in the subcontinent.

The contribution of an honest and sacrificing political leader like Moni Singh in nation building would be remembered forever, said the President. Throughout his life, he was involved in all the movements and struggles, including the anti-British movement, the struggle against Pakistani rulers and the campaign to establish the rights of the toiling masses, he added.

The President recalled the role of Moni Singh during the Liberation War and said that his relation with Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was ‘very deep.’ In her message, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina said Moni Singh had made extraordinary contributions during the Liberation War.

He had a very friendly political and personal relationship with Father of the Nation, she recalled and said that the late leader played a very important role in the reconstruction of war-ravaged Bangladesh. The premier said Moni Singh’s struggled life would remain as a source of ideal and inspiration for youth forever. Different organizations including Communist Party of Bangladesh (CPB) have undertaken programmes marking the death anniversary of this veteran leader.