A Dhaka court on Thursday has allowed the Anti-Corruption Commission to examine the Central Processing Unit (CPU) of the computer used for official duties at the office of former Home Minister Asaduzzaman Khan Kamal in a forensic lab.
Judge Mohammad Ash- Shams Joglul Hossain of Dhaka Metropolitan Senior Special Judge's Court passed the order in response to an application filed by the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) Deputy Director Jahangir Alam made the application on behalf of the commission.
The application stated that a five-member investigative team is conducting an investigation into allegations of bribery involving crores of taka through a syndicate for transfers, promotions, and recruitment in various departments under the Ministry of Home Affairs, involving former Home Minister Asaduzzaman Khan Kamal and others. During the investigation, it was known from a confidential source that the computer used for official duties by the former minister’s APS, Monir Hossain, contains information related to illegal transactions, including lobbying for transfers, promotions, and recruitment in exchange for bribes. Consequently, on August 22 at 2:35 PM, the CPU of the computer used by APS Monir Hossain was seized from room number 304 at the Ministry of Home Affairs in the Secretariat. Upon inspection, the hard disk and SSD of the CPU were found to be blank. Despite the hard disk and SSD being blank, there is a strong possibility that they contain information regarding lobbying for transfers, promotions, and other illegal transactions in exchange for bribes, which can be recovered through forensic examination. A forensic opinion is essential to recover the data from the hard disk and SSD of the computer's CPU for the sake of a proper investigation.