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Call to make meditation VAT-free

Published : 21 Jun 2022 09:11 PM

Prominent people including doctors, economists and members of parliament have called for permanent withdrawal of VAT on meditation from the proposed current budget. They called for taking meditation as a mental health service and making it completely VAT free. Former chairman of the National Board of Revenue. Abdul Majid said that meditation is one such medium or path from which human service, care or well-being is done. There is usually no VAT or tax on it. 

It needs to be reviewed administratively and logically. Poet Ashish Saha said that meditation has health benefits and also develops thinking and consciousness. So no VAT should be imposed on meditation. If it is not stopped then those who have taken the initiative in this case; Only they will suffer - not that; Millions of people in the country will be affected. I think our Bangabandhu daughter and the present Prime Minister, she is a human being and her role in humanitarian work is appreciated everywhere. In this case, the Prime Minister should also pay attention to this. And if he does intervene, the damage that will be done to such a contradictory act will not be minimal and many people will benefit. 

Let meditation be more widespread and spread all over the country, this is my expectation. Founder Chairman of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University, Department of Palliative Medicine, Prof. Dr. Nizam Uddin Ahmed said that those who meditate regularly have a profound change in their mentality and attitude. Their hearts were filled with compassion and empathy. 

This empathy is very important not only for one's family members and relatives, but also for strangers. This feeling is completely selfless. This positive outlook makes life calm, stable. It also increases the intensity of positive emotions. As a result, changes in the structure and function of the brain begin. 

This has been proven by experiments with the help of electro-encephalograph instruments. There have been numerous such important studies around the world. Researchers also say that regular meditation is important. This practice of staying well in all aspects including attaining good physical and mental health should not be taxed on meditation and it should be permanently exempted from VAT as a medical aid.