Bangladeshi Girl Samina Rahman Purba along with her two other team members BatuhanIpci and Hien Nguyen secured the top prize in the Thinking North Smart Cities Hackathon held in Toronto, Canada.
More than 700 participants competed in the hackathon. Samina’s Team ‘Foam on Latte’ won the first grand prize under the mental health category where they prototyped an innovative solution for the mental healthcare settings,read a PR.
“Mood Vault, solution model build by the winner team, is a cloud-based secure communication portal between patients and therapists. Patients can track their daily moods and log in their daily thoughts and feelings. These logs then get summarized by artificial intelligence to be reviewed by their therapists before their next appointment.” read the PR.
“The system can also identify suicidal patients based on their writing patterns or keywords used.
An alert is then sent to the therapist to indicate which patients might be suicidal and special attention is needed. In addition, the system supports 75 language translations, breaking the language barrier between therapists and patients. If implemented and piloted properly, Mood Vault will become a game-changer in the mental healthcare setting space” the PR added.