Education & Culture

BAIUST English Department hosts Meet the Writer, Season 4

Published : 30 Aug 2023 07:47 PM

Department of English, Bangladesh Army International University of Science and Technology (BAIUST), Cumilla successfully organised the fourth season of the Meet the Writer program on August 27.

Professor Dr. Rashid Askari, a renowned bi-lingual writer, fictionist, columnist, translator, and media personality of the country, was the honored guest.

The presence of Dr. Askari, former Vice Chancellor of Islamic University, Kushtia, lent the gathering an air of literary erudition and artistic sophistication.

The program commenced with an introductory speech delivered by Dr. K Ahmed Alam, a professor in the Department of English and the Director of the Institutional Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of BAIUST.

His warm words of welcome set the stage for an intellectually invigorating event.

Dr. Askari, the guest of honor, then took the stage and embarked on a captivating narrative of his personal journey as a writer. He shared insights into his trajectory, emphasizing the importance of perseverance and passion in the world of literature.

Dr. Askari's lecture had a significant impact on the audience as a whole and the student body in particular. He effectively motivated the younger generation, fostering within them the conviction that they too had the potential to achieve literary accomplishments. It is worth mentioning that a considerable proportion of the attendees consisted of female students.

Dr. Askari voiced his optimistic anticipation that within this group there may arise future literary figures that may be likened to renowned luminaries like Gayatry C. Spivak, Tahmina Anam, or Arundhati Roy.

Following the interactive session, Dr. Askari personally advised students interested in writing as a career. He offered his personal experiences, complementing the discussion with anecdotes that resonated with aspiring authors.

Dr. Askari read samples from his own writings to demonstrate various literary skills. Students were encouraged to ask Dr. Askari questions regarding fiction, essay writing, and finding one's voice and writing style. Dr. Askari patiently answered each question, illuminating diverse writing processes. He emphasized the power of language and explained how studying literature may improve one's academic and psychological growth.

As the program neared its conclusion, Md. Abdur Rashid, Associate Professor and the Department Head, expressed his gratitude to Dr. Askari for his illuminating and engaging session.

The participants left the auditorium with renewed literary fervor, having relished the afternoon's discussion immensely. Md. Habibur Rahman, an assistant professor of English, anchored the entire program.