Six female students of the same school in Sherpur were admitted to hospital on Sunday following sudden illness. The incident took place at Charsherpur Kabi Nazrul Academy in Sherpur. The sick students are identified as Kalpana of class-9, Bilkis, Seema, Purnima, Sathi of class-8 and Deepa of class-6.
School authorities and students said the ninth grade student was taken to a teacher's house next door when she became ill during the school assembly. Within following ten minutes the other five students fell unconscious. Then they were rushed to Sherpur Sadar Hospital.
Rafiqul Islam, Director of the Charsherpur Kabi Nazrul Academy, said, "After the assembly, we hold meetings with the parents. However, suddenly we heard the news that a student fell unconscious. Then five more students fell unconscious. We got all of them hospitalized. All of them are now all right.
Resident medical officer of Sherpur Sadar Hospital Khairul Kabir Suman said primary treatment was given to the sick students. However, the reason behind their sudden sickness is still unknown.