Education & Culture

4th National Law Olympiad held at CU

Published : 21 Aug 2023 09:04 PM

The Society for Critical Legal Studies (SCLS) of the CU Department of Law  recently hosted the Fourth National Law Olympiad on campus with great success.

A team from CU was named champion of the Olympiad following the ending session on Saturday.

Justice JBM Hassan from the High Court Division of the Supreme Court graced the event as the chief guest. Senior District Judge of District and Session Judge's Court Dr Aziz Ahmed Bhuiyan and the Dean of CU Law Faculty Professor Dr Abdullah al Faruquee attended the programme as special guests.

In his address, Justice JBM Hassan said, "It is indeed a great opportunity to stand in front of eminent legal minds. I am very profound to be here in the battle of jurisprudence and legal principles. I am standing on the pedestal which my teacher Shah Alam has established."

"In the legal area, to build up law students as judges, lawyers, and academicians this organisation has done a tremendous job. I thank Jashim Ali who is the founder of this organisation for making such a great association," he added.

The justice, at the time, thanked the organisers for choosing 'constitutional law' as a subject of the symposium.

He said, "Constitution is the document of ownership of every citizen of the country. The preamble of the constitution starts with the people of Bangladesh. This was given to us by our father of the nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.

"All citizens must be made aware of their fundamental rights ensured by the country's constitution. As it assures the citizens of their security and independence which they dreamt of in the liberation war of 1971." 

He concluded the speech by declaring the tagline of SCLS Law Olympiad 4.0 which is "Uphold the Constitution to Empower the Nation". 

The SCLS is the only one of its kind in the country that host various national competitions, seminar and symposiums throughout the year. 

The Olympiad featured various legal enthusiasts from different public and private universities, who represented their respective institutions in five rounds of multidimensional competitions.

32 teams from 18 universities in the country have participated in this national-level competition.

After a long legal battle, a team from Chittagong University was crowned as the champions of the Law Olympiad Season 4.0 and a team from Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Maritime University (BSMRMU) emerged as the runner-up of the competition.