National, Front Page

1.5m people in queue to get smart driving licences

Published : 18 Jun 2021 09:10 PM | Updated : 07 Sep 2021 04:52 PM

Some 15 lakh people have been waiting to get their driving license even after passing the exam. As a result, driving job seekers in the country and abroad are suffering to a great extent. 

Many people are losing their confirmed jobs in the Middle East for want of smart driving licence cards. Madras Security Printers Ltd is responsible for this terrible suffering of people. A year has already passed and they have not been able to provide smart driving license card to BRTA despite the agreement.  

BRTA officials said that BRTA’s achievements have been tarnished due to the failure of issuance of driving licenses on time. About 1 million drivers are currently driving with BRTA's ‘acknowledgment slip’, but they are not being able to apply for government and private jobs as they don’t have smart driving license card.

Moreover, Bangladesh has been failing to export skilled drivers for the last two years. As a result, other countries are occupying that place.

BRTA signed an agreement worth Tk 100 crore with Indian company Madras Security Printers Ltd on July 29, 2020 to supply 4 million smart driving licenses in five years,. 

According to the agreement, the printed smart license cards were supposed to be provided within the next two months. Due to the Corona situation, the time was extended to four and a half months. Although one year has passed, BRTA has failed to issue smart card licenses on time. The company could not even show a sample of the driving license.