Education & Culture

‘Assistant Teachers’ Recruitment’

Third phase written exam on March 29

Published : 19 Mar 2024 10:00 PM

In a recent announcement by Mahbubur Rahman Tuhin, the public relations officer of the Ministry of Primary and Mass Education, it has been revealed that the written examination for the third phase of 'Assistant Teachers' Recruitment-2023 in Government Primary Schools is slated to be held on March 29. This phase of the examination will be conducted for applicants hailing from Dhaka and Chittagong Divisions.

Candidates are required to report to their respective examination centers by 8:30 am, with the examination commencing promptly at 10 am and concluding at 11 am. Shah Rezwan Hayat, the director general of the Directorate of Primary Education, has provided further instructions regarding the examination process.

According to Hayat, candidates will receive an SMS containing instructions to download their admit card from the mobile number specified in their application. The admit cards will be available for download starting March 23, facilitating candidates' preparation for the examination.

To access their admit cards, candidates must log in to the website using their username and password or provide their SSC roll, board, and pass-side details. It is imperative for candidates to bring a color printout of their downloaded admit card along with their original National Identity Card (NID/Smart Card) to the examination venue.

Furthermore, candidates are strictly prohibited from bringing any unauthorized items into the examination center, including books, answer sheets, electronic devices, and communicative tools. Violation of these regulations will result in immediate disciplinary action, including expulsion from the examination hall, in accordance with the prevailing laws.

Aspiring teachers are advised to adhere strictly to the guidelines provided to ensure a smooth and fair examination process. Further details and instructions can be found within the admit cards.