
Boycotting Indian goods

BNP’s fresh plot must be thwarted

Published : 30 Mar 2024 10:04 PM

We observe that BNP leaders have now become more desperate to destabilise the country’s market system in a deeply conspiratorial move in the name of boycotting Indian products. We think it is a fresh plot against the government after the national parliamentary election held on January 7.

We believe the relationship between Bangladesh and India is very strong and “written with blood” and it has reached a new height under the dynamic leadership of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina the daughter of the Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. This bond of friendship and fraternity between Bangladesh and India will be further strengthened in days to come.

However, in a fervent critique of the ruling Awami League, BNP leaders charged the government with sacrificing the nation’s independence and dignity in exchange for support from the Indian government. They (BNP leaders) claimed that the Awami League does not seek the mandate of the Bangladeshi people, instead the party wants to “cling on to power through the backing of the Modi government and enter into bonds of subjugation.” 

They [BNP leaders] continued accusing the Awami League of perceiving Bangladesh as a “dummy state,” alleging that the real power behind the Awami League is not the people of Bangladesh but India. By supporting the Awami League, India is exercising control over Bangladesh, infringing upon the rights of its citizens.

Relationship between

 Bangladesh and India is

 very strong and “written

 with blood”

They also alleged the notion of the country’s sovereignty is being compromised under the guise of stability under Sheikh Hasina’s leadership. These disgraceful statements of BNP leaders have created the strongest resentment among the people of the country. Through their statements, the BNP’s real face, character, traditional anti-Bangladesh stance and secret agenda of anti-independence ill-politics have been exposed once again. So, it is clear to all that the party’s leaders actually hold Pakistan in their hearts as they are the agents of Pakistan in Bangladesh even after 53 years of the country’s independence.

We believe BNP’s boycott of Indian goods will not affect the relationship between the two countries. When tremendous development is taking place in the country with the establishment of democracy here under the leadership of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, BNP leaders’ remarks sound that they want to obstruct the country’s development. BNP in association with the anti-liberation forces and some elements are desperately plotting to make Bangladesh a failed country after the country’s general elections. 

While the development work is going on as per the Awami League’s electoral pledges, some elements led by the BNP are making all-out efforts to create unrest in the country with a target to oust the government of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina. Therefore, the anti-liberation and communal forces along with BNP and Jamaat-e-Islami are now very active across the country to destroy the development. Besides, some identified influential persons are now allegedly very active in plotting against the country and government as well. 

Besides, the influential persons led by BNP acting chairman Tarique Rahman are also helping the organised evil forces comprising several vested quarters and extreme communal groups incited by the anti-liberation forces and killers of Bangabandhu, and their patrons to make Bangladesh a failed country. It is very clear that the goals of these forces are to make the Liberation War controversial and thus ultimately hit the country’s independence, sovereignty and democratic process. It is known to all that their (BNP) target is to create a troubled situation and seize state power through the back door and thwart the progress of democracy. Everyone should remain cautious so that none can create anarchy in the name of boycotting Indian products.