Education & Culture

ULAB to hold 8th SSEASR conference

Published : 19 May 2019 03:00 PM | Updated : 04 Sep 2020 09:00 PM

Rivers played a very crucial role in the development of world civilization. -This is also true for South and Southeast Asia, where thousands of rivers arc connecting culture and thought. The vast watercourse of the River Ganga in South Asia, and chat of the Mekong River in Southeast Asia, along v.ith other major rivers in the region, determined the culture, belief system and philosophical thoughts of the region for several millennia. The homogeneity of culture and religious practices therein is seen today largely due CO the flow and sacredness of South and Southeast Asian rivers. All this is going to be discussed on June 13 at ULAB campus. 

The president of SSEASR Prof Amarjiva Lochan and Chair of 8th SSEASR conference Prof Shahnaj Husne Jahan will be present at the conference. 

The academic discourse on rivers and religion to understand cultural development of South and Southeast Asia is a very pertinent subject for achieving sustainable development goats of the century. Purpose of the 8th SSEASR is to encourage world academia to initiate the academic dialogue on the much relevant issues on the subject in order to better understand, compare, interpret and anal, countless beliefs, practices, traditions, communities and other related phenomena. 

Strikingly, the history of Bangladesh is entwined in the history of its numerous and diverse rivers and water channels. Thus, Bangladesh is beautifully known as the 'Land of Thousand Rivers' ("Hazar Nadir Desh" in Bangla language). These rivers — the life of the country — have nurtured Bangladesh through the ages and their banks also write the cal. of the human civilization. Therefore, the University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh (ULAB) is proud to host the 8th SSEASR Conference at its campus in the capital city of Dhaka.