
Symptoms of Bronchitis

Published : 01 Apr 2021 08:00 PM

The main symptom of bronchitis is a hacking cough. It is likely that your cough will bring up thick yellow-grey mucus (phlegm), although this does not always happen.

Other symptoms of bronchitis are similar to those of other infections, such as the common cold or sinusitis, and may include:

•    sore throat

•    headache

•    runny or blocked nose

•    aches and pains

•    tiredness

If you have bronchitis, your cough may last for several weeks after other symptoms have gone. You may also find that the continual coughing makes your chest and stomach muscles sore.

Some people may experience shortness of breath or wheezing, due to inflamed airways. However, this is more common with long-term (chronic) bronchitis.

Long-term (chronic) Bronchitis

Chronic bronchitis is often known as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

The symptoms of COPD can include:

•    wheezing

•    increasing breathlessness when exercising or moving around

•    a persistent cough that brings up mucus (phlegm)

•    frequent chest infections

The symptoms are often worse in the winter, and it is common to have two or more flare-ups a year. A flare-up is when your symptoms are particularly bad.

Courtesy: Nhsinform