Chief of Army Staff General S M Shafiuddin Ahmed on Sunday inaugurated the sculpture of seven Bir Sreshtho titled "Amra Tomader Bhulbo Na" built in memory of the great heroes of the Bengali nation, considered as a symbol of the glory, sacrifice and bravery of the nation, at Matikata Military Police Checkpost area of Dhaka Cantonment.
On March 26, 1971, responding to the call of independence of the greatest Bengali of all time Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, the Bengali members of the armed forces, shoulder to shoulder with the masses, jumped into the liberation war and on December 16, 1971, we achieved independent sovereign Bangladesh.
The "Amra Tomader Vulbo Na" sculpture depicts the 'semi-circular wall' - the struggle-earned independent sovereign Bangladesh. In front of the sculpture, there is a 'fountain' - that image of reverie Bangladesh. The connecting lines from the fountain to the wall are the 'Symbol of the Sunray' - indicating that the Bir Sreshtho are the bright sons of the soil of the Bengali nation and are like the rays of the sun a source of light and unfailing inspiration for the future generations of the country.
Senior military officers, other officers, junior commissioned officers, other ranks of army personnel and media representatives were present on the occasion.