Education Minister Dipu Moni recently said that no matter how much controversy arises over textbooks, the country will not go back, it will only move forward. She said this at the opening ceremony of a five-day workshop with writers on revising the sixth and seventh grade textbooks of the new curriculum organized at Brac CDM Centre on Monday. The minister said, making our education fun, teaching students to think, teaching them to analyze – all of these will be taught to students through the new curriculum
Bangladesh has achieved remarkable success in gender parity in school enrolment with more girls in school than boys and we now have one of the robust primary education systems in the world with an estimated 17 million primary school aged children, thanks to the ceaseless efforts of the government to ensure access to education for all. Indeed, such statistics bear the testimony of the country’s enviable success in the field of primary education. However, at the same time it is also true that we still lag far behind other developed countries in terms of ensuring quality education.
The right to education is not only
the right to access to education
but also the right to receive
quality education
Question leak, unskilled teachers and inconsistency between the education system and job sector, low budgetary allocation are the main factors overwhelming our education sector for long. Many young students in Bangladesh, as in other low and middle-income countries, find it hard to get good jobs because of the sheer inconsistency between the education system and job market. The country should address this crisis by investing more in education and ensuring effective utilisation of the investment.
We have long been longing for revamp and rectification of our almost horse and buggy education sector. We hope, the government will give its best to ensure quality education for all. To ensure quality education and create a skilled workforce Bangladesh should look forward to attaining a higher budgetary allocation for its education sector.
Quality education is a right not a privilege. The right to education is not only the right to access to education but also the right to receive quality education. For ensuring quality education there is no alternative to enabling a healthy and gender-inclusive environment in the education sector. Quality education requires relevant, strategic and well-researched curricula and materials for the acquisition of basic skills. There must be a procedure through which trained teachers can incorporate child-centred teaching approaches. Taking all these into consideration, authorities concerned should work to address the barriers towards ensuring quality in education and devise required actions to fix them.