
Embracing the Fourth Industrial Revolution

Build efficient and skilled workforce

Published : 03 Jul 2022 08:33 PM

The global economy is embracing the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4RI). 4RI is knocking at our door too. In this regard, country’s all especially the youths will have to go ahead in line with the latest innovations in science and technology.

In the process of adopting 4IR technologies, Bangladesh has recently achieved significant growth in various sectors including the IT services industry as well as the healthcare services.

We all especially our educated and qualified youths will have to get prepared in order take the advantage of 4IR. In this regard, the government has already attached importance on artificial intelligence, block chain, internet of things, nano-technology, biotechnology, robotics, microprocessor designing and other areas to lead in the 4IR.

We believe the government will do 

everything possible in order to build an 

efficient human force 

fit for working in 

the 4IR

Like other foreign countries, Bangladesh is also marching towards the 4IR. We must build efficient and skilled human work forces capable of working for the revolution. Our youths will play a vital role towards elevating the socio-economic condition of country besides infusing dynamism into its industrial sector. However, there will be many challenges of the 4IR and we have to take preparation to face the challenges competently. Although there is risk of job loss due to emergence of 4IR but the opportunities including creation of new jobs are enormous. If these opportunities are effectively utilised, it would increase jobs twofold than the jobs expected to be lost.

As the frontier technology based innovations and startups will create scope of jobs in different areas including health, agriculture, education and finance, nearly three million people are expected to be provided training to build their capacity on 4IR in the next five years. We hope these trained people would play a vital role in bringing about positive changes in society and turning Bangladesh into a developed and prosperous nation by 2041.

 We believe the government will do everything possible in order to build an efficient human force fit for working in the 4IR. Our young people will be equipped with the knowledge of science and technology side by side with humanitarian and patriotic zeal. The young generation should learn the language of coding in order to work with robotics, artificial intelligence and quantum mechanics in coming days.