Education & Culture

Build your students' confidence

Published : 01 Jun 2019 04:37 PM | Updated : 05 Sep 2020 02:58 PM

Model confidence

Students will often reflect the behaviors modeled to them. In other words, they'll become like you. So how you present yourself matters.

Guard your interactions

The interactions we engage in with people outside of work matter. It’s critical that you limit the time you spend with toxic people or with people who generally bring you down. Spend time with people you enjoy!

Be prepared to teach

Be sure to have your lesson plans laid out before you enter the classroom. Having your ducks in line gives you peace of mind and enables you to be confident as you present your lessons.

Accept mistakes with grace

A teacher who belittles or humiliates her students when they make mistakes is destroying their self-confidence. It’s crucial that you model to your students that making errors is a normal part of the learning process and nothing to be ashamed of.

Praise and encourage your students

When your students do something well or you catch them doing something positive, let them know. Replace general words of praise and encouragement such as “good job” or “great work" with specific words of affirmation.

Challenge your students academically

When you give students work that stretches them intellectually, forcing them to think at a deeper level or to think outside the box, you're communicating to them that you believe they're up to the task. This boosts their self-confidence.    —Owlcation

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